Facilitated Stretch Therapy (FST)

Facilitated Stretch Therapy – Contrary to popular belief, stretching isn’t exclusive to athletes, neither is it just only beneficial to the body after a workout session.

Regular stretching helps to relieve tense and tight muscles that could also be attributed to long hours at a desk-bound job or muscles that have tightened due to pain from previous injuries.

The importance of Flexibility

However, on our own, we are only able to stretch the muscles on the surface and not the deeper tissues and muscles. The importance of being able to stretch deeper muscles and tissues revolves around one word – flexibility.

One may wonder, why do I need to be flexible? I’m not aiming to be a gymnast, neither am I an athlete. Well, flexibility helps your body to move in the most optimal form – minimising your risk of injury and preventing the onset of muscle strains and degenerative joint disorders.

What is Facilitated Stretch Therapy (FST)?

Facilitated Stretch Therapy, a special stretch program designed by our physiotherapists from Core Concepts. The service entails stretching the fascia tissue, soft tissue and mobilising joints, all of which are not targeted during a regular DIY stretching session.

Soft tissue includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, fibrous tissues, fat, blood vessels, and synovial membranes. A simpler description would be everything in your body apart from hard bony structures.

Fascia, a type of soft tissue that refers to fibrous connective tissue which wraps around and supports important organs, muscles, bones, tendons and nerves.

FST stretches the surface and deep muscles and tissue by using a combination of techniques including oscillatory movements, passive and active stretching, joint mobilisation and massages techniques.

Each of the different technique helps with a different purpose. For example, oscillations help to relax muscles and move synovial fluids (natural lubricants) in your joints to smoothen movements. While passive and active stretching involves lengthening a target muscle group, holding a resistive force provided by the client, and increasing lengthening upon relaxation. For maximal effectiveness, deep tissue massage techniques are incorporated while the muscles are placed in their stretched position.

Stretching and pain can be expected but should be done within tolerable limits. Hence it is very important for the therapist to have good communication to ensure a comfortable stretch session. People with high pain tolerance should indicate to the therapist promptly when the stretch feels unusually painful.

What are the benefits of facilitated stretching?

Facilitated stretching Therapy aims to improve mobility, flexibility, strength and circulation. It engages an entire network of muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and bones. This results in enhancement of physical performance and improvement in general well being.

Pain and soreness can also be reduced or eliminated and the positive difference of going through a facilitated stretching can be felt immediately after a session.

Our client, Marhalim shares his experience with Core Concepts Physiotherapy Singapore below.

Who can benefit from facilitated stretch therapy?

Everyone can stand to benefit from having regular facilitated stretching sessions, especially the following groups of people:

  • Individuals with chronic pain
  • Individuals with mobility issues
  • Sedentary office workers
  • Athletes
  • People who are not suited to do yoga due to restrictions or precautions into extreme ranges.
  • Why choose us?

Therefore, at Core Concepts, we go far beyond the surface. During your 60 minute session, our team of stretch therapists focus on your problem areas and each session is customised to your needs. Sometimes your therapist choose to spend more time on certain areas deemed necessary to achieve the expected therapeutic effect.

Facilitated stretch therapy, a safe and effective way to maintain your body’s physical function and wellness. We ensure this by maintaining constant communication during the session to ensure that the stretch at the right intensity.

To book a session, simply contact us via one of the methods below

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Core Concepts Physiotherapy Singapore aims to enhance flexibility and mobility through assisted stretching and movement.

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