Dry Needling: An Alternative to Myofascial Release

What is dry needling?

Dry needling is an invasive technique that aims to reduce muscular tension and pain. The outcome of the technique is similar to myofascial releases in terms of pain reduction, decrease tonicity, improved function and can be used instead of manual therapy if preferred by the client. There are various methods of dry needling techniques which serves different purposes based on the needs of the clients. One of the dry needling techniques that we use at Core Concepts is the peristructural technique which is mainly based on movement analysis and palpation.


Dry Needling at Core Concepts

How does Dry Needling work?

This peristructural techinque we use aims to transversely deform but not to disrupt or penetrate the dura or fascia. This gives the effect of down-regulating local tissue irritability and modifying segmental neural signals. This essentially is the main difference to trigger point needling or acupuncture which they penetrate and overstimulate.  


How Dry Needling Work?

Our trained therapist will identify the area that would benefit from dry needling such as areas that have a functional problem (eg: injuries or impairment). Your physiotherapist will work on the opposite side of the affected area – for instance, if you have a hamstring strain, the needling will be done on your quads. Your physiotherapist will then start to sterilise the targeted area and prepare for the session.


Sterile and disposable of Needles

All the needles used during this session are sterile and disposable. There are no fixed amount of needles used per region, your physiotherapist will determine the amount of needles required based on how much the fascia softens in reaction to the needling. Your physiotherapist will continue until your muscles are relaxed. The needles are only left on for a couple of minutes.

Is this painful? Will I bleed?

As pain is a subjective experience, it is difficult for us to give a definite answer for this. However, the discomfort level has been reported to be minimal by patients who have been through the process by Principal Physiotherapist, Ken. It is not painful as the needles are extremely fine (thinner than a strand of hair) and the needles do not go very deep.

As for bleeding, there is a chance for it to occur during the session. The occurrence of bleeding does not apply to all cases and statistically happens once in every 30 needles.

Why should i try dry needling?

Effective – Dry needling is great for people who are short of time. The effects are almost instantaneous – you are able to experience a greater range of motion within 1 session. Sore and tensed muscles are also relieved immediately within 10-15 minutes (as compared to a traditional 1 hr sports massage or myofascial release)

Safe & Comfortable – The dry needling technique we use is more comfortable than any other techniques and approaches. This ensures no muscle twitching after and little to no bleeding during the session

Who is suitable?

We are unable to treat pregnant women due to safety issues. It is also not suitable for clients who are expecting a satisfying feeling such as from a massage session.

How Is Dry Needling Different From Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is designed to relieve pain and discomfort by targeting an individual’s Chi (or energy flow) and opening it up. Dry needling, on the other hand, is meant to stimulate muscle or myofascial trigger points. These trigger points are often muscles that are tense and pain-inducing for the body.

How can I sign up?

If you are already seeing us, simply speak to your physiotherapist to check if dry needling would be suitable for you. If you have an injury or strained muscle and would like to try out dry needling, give us a call at 62263632 and we will get back to you.