Shoulder Impingement Exercise Part 1-3: High Row

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3. High Row (Presented by Chng Chye Tuan, Senior Physiotherapist)

The next exercise we are going to do is called High Row. This exercise trains your middle trapezius and lower trapezius. In this angle, it will train the middle trapezius more than the lower trapezius.
So let’s go straight into the exercise.

Again with a mid-height cable, take a step backwards with a soft knee bend. What you are going to do is to pull the elbow backwards this way, and release slowly. Like before, you are going to maintain your shoulder blade by pulling it backwards and downwards. This will activate your middle trapezius and lower trapezius.

And this is called the High Row.

Experiencing shoulder pain? Click here to find out more about physiotherapy for shoulder pain relief and how Core Concepts can help

For more information about shoulder injuries and the rotator cuff muscles:

  1. Rotator Cuff Injuries
  2. Suction Power – The Glenoid Labrum
  3. Anatomy of the Shoulder
  4. Scapular (Shoulder blade)Stability
  5. ‘Clunking’ Shoulders – Part I
  6. Rehabilitating Shoulder Motion after Surgery


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