Physiotherapy Treatment for Posterior Pelvic Pain
In our previous articles on Posterior Pelvic Pain, we discussed why posterior pelvic pain occurs, how to identify the symptoms and the types of treatment methods available to reduce posterior pelvic pain. We previously mentioned physiotherapy as one of the treatment methods available – in this article, we will dive deeper into how physiotherapy would be able to resolve posterior pelvic pain and provide long term pain relief.
What is Physiotherapy treatment for Posterior Pelvic Pain?
Physiotherapy is the study of the musculoskeletal system, mainly muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and tendons. The goal of physiotherapy is to relieve pain, improve mobility and restore full physical function. This means helping our clients get back to their level of physical activity. For some, their treatment goal could be above and beyond what they were able to achieve previously. Physiotherapy treatment is very individualistic and is specific to each individual’s condition and needs. Thus, it is essential for your therapist to fully understand the cause of your condition and what your treatment goals are.
For instance, someone who is experiencing posterior pelvic pain may only be able to stand for 30 minutes before feeling pain. Her goal for seeking physiotherapy treatment may not only be to resolve the underlying problem of the sacroiliac joint dysfunction, but to get back to an active lifestyle without pain. In order to achieve that, your physiotherapist will have to incorporate muscular strengthening components into your treatment plan to ensure that she is able to meet her treatment goal. Depending on our client’s objectives, our physiotherapists develop a treatment plan to help them get there.
Our goal is always to help our clients relieve their immediate pain symptoms, resolve the root cause and to help them stay better so that the problem does not recur.
How can Physiotherapy help with Posterior pelvic pain?
As mentioned in the previous articles, posterior pelvic pain can be caused by hypermobility or hypomobility of the sacroiliac joint. Posterior pelvic pain occurs due to the sacroiliac joint not moving normally. First, your physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assessment to determine if your posterior pelvic pain is caused by hypermobility or hypomobility. It is essential to come up with an accurate diagnosis as it sets the foundation to a successful and effective recovery journey as all treatment plans will be based off the initial diagnosis.
Here at Core Concepts, we understand the importance of an accurate diagnosis – thus we make sure that we take the time to fully grasp the situation based on the symptoms that occur before coming up with a diagnosis.
Hypermobility cases
After determining the cause of your pain, our physiotherapists will come up with a treatment plan to resolve the root cause. If your posterior pelvic pain is caused by hypermobility issues in your sacroiliac joint, strengthening exercises will be prescribed to strengthen the surrounding muscles to increase stability in the pelvis region. This will in turn reduce the instability and pressure placed on your sacroiliac joint when you move.
Hypomobility cases
If your posterior pelvic pain is caused by hypomobility issues, stretching exercises and manual therapy would be utilised to relieve muscle tension and stiffness. The aim of your treatment would be to increase your range of motion and to reduce the compression in your sacroiliac joint.
Choose Core Concepts for Physiotherapy Treatment
Our team of physiotherapists are trained to handle women’s health conditions such as posterior pelvic pain and are experienced in dealing with prenatal and postnatal musculoskeletal cases. You will be in safe hands with our team.
Our multi speciality of therapists are integrated and work closely together to help you achieve your treatment goal.
What to expect on your first Physiotherapy session
During your first session, your therapist will ask you questions to get a better understanding of your condition and how it occurred. After which, an assessment will be conducted to narrow down the root cause of your diastasis recti. Once a diagnosis is concluded, your therapist will come up with a treatment plan that is best suited for your needs.
Depending on the severity of your condition as well as your treatment goals, your therapist will also advise you on the number of physiotherapy sessions required.
If you are currently experiencing posterior pelvic pain and would like to consult with a medical professional, do give us a call at 62263632 or contact us to book in a consultation.
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