M.I.C.E Or R.I.C.E for Sports Injuries

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“We play a lot of sports and are familiar with R.I.C.E. or R.I.C.E.R. But lately we been hearing a bit about M.I.C.E and how that is the new thing replacing R.I.C.E. for injuries like ankle sprains.”

– a bunc of rugby player

Hi there,

Rest, ice, compress, elevate and refer (R.I.C.E.R) to a medical professional is what most sports people will do to manage an acute injury like a muscle pull or ankle sprain. Recently, M.I.C.E has been gaining popularity with “Movements” replacing “Rest”. Movements should be done safely.

ankle sprain

Appropriate and specific movements like stretching during the acute phase of an injury can shorten healing time, reduce scar tissue formations and prevent secondary issues like muscle wasting. This is why ankle sprains are no longer managed with casts but with exercise rehabilitation.

At the same time, movements can potentially aggravate the injury if not done right. Therefore, M.I.C.E is safe only if prescribed by your medical professional. Otherwise, just RICE it.

Experiencing ankle pain? Click here to find out more about physiotherapy for ankle pain relief and how Core Concepts can help

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