Blackberry Thumb: 2012

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Are you texting/using your phone for lengthy emails? Are you experiencing pain at the base of your thumb? Historically we have seen clients suffering from tennis elbow, baker cysts, runners knee and mummy thumbs, as with the advance of technology, a new form of repetitive strain injury is fast emerging: blackberry thumb.

The thumb is designed to act as a stabilizer for pinch gripping with the fingers; and is, therefore, the least dexterous digit on the hand. For this reason, repetitive and extensive typing can cause the thumb to muscles to fatigue and strain. Symptoms include pain, swelling and associated numbness from potential nerve damage.

Experiencing blackberry thumb?
A new form of repetitive strain injury is fast emerging: blackberry thumb


Using other fingers to press buttons on handheld devices can prevent BlackBerry thumb. Vary the fingers that are being used regularly too.

Avoid using these devices  for lengthy typing

Have a break from your phone

Treatment for blackberry thumb involves wearing a splint and applying ice and Ultrasound to the affected area. To relieve the tension and reduce inflammation, gentle exercises and massage can be recommended.  If the pain persists, however, doctors may opt to inject the thumb area with a cortisone shot. Surgery, as a last resort, may be required.


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